
    Marie is a ordinary girl who came from an ordinary family. At a young age, she worked many jobs and did many things to earn money like selling banana cue, biko, etc. She did all of it while studying in elementary and even in high school. Back then, life was so simple. Mobile phones are not that big of a deal, children are playing outside their houses, and life was not easy but it was fair. 

    The life now? It is harder than the decades that passed. Marie noticed that mobile phones now are so big deal. Her children are also attached to mobile phones. They are always at home surfing in the internet unlike before that Marie and her friends are always outside their houses playing traditional games like tumbang preso. Marie and her friends before just go outside and hang-out with their friends but now, her children are living in the social media world where they just stay inside and just go out if there are occasion or if their friends invited them outside. The differences are just massive. Marie compares her children's life to her teenage life. Of course, she faced hardships for her children to live in ease, but Marie thinks that her children's teenage life is boring unlike her life before.
